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20170725T115919 Collection Spotlight: LMI CentralThis month, the WorkforceGPS Team would like to introduce you to LMI Central, a portal to innovative and relevant sources of workforce and labor market information for data-driven planning. The Labor Market Information (LMI) Central collection (or LMI Central for short) provides a diverse palette of LMI resources to assist you in "painting a picture" of your labor market and to help you improve your employment and training programs and policies. |
20210507T173016 Community of Practice Spotlight: ApprenticeshipNational Apprenticeship Week celebrates apprenticeship as a proven talent development strategy helping to close the skills gap in the U.S. As interest in apprenticeship continues to build, the WorkforceGPS Team wants to make sure you know that the ApprenticeshipUSA Community of Practice (CoP) is available to help you turn interest into new apprenticeship opportunities. |
20220506T121639 May is Mental Health Awareness MonthNearly 1 in 5 Americans may experience some form of mental illness each year. For many of these individuals (and many without mental health conditions as well), work is key to their health, contributing to a sense of purpose and well-being. Thus, it's important that employers understand how to foster a mental health-friendly work culture. |
20170718T095728 WorkforceGPS Welcomes H-1B TechHire Community of PracticeWorkforceGPS is proud to announce that a new Community of Practice (CoP), specifically for H-1B TechHire grantees, is now available. The H-1B funded TechHire grant program is a key component of the TechHire Initiative, a bold multi-sector effort that provides American workers with critical information technology skills for today’s high-growth careers. |
20171108T101158 National Apprenticeship Week: November 13 - 19, 2017Mark your calendars! Next week— November 13 - 19, 2017—is the third annual National Apprenticeship Week (NAW). |
20171115T123520 New WorkforceGPS Collection: Performance ReportingWorkforceGPS is proud to announce the release of its latest collection, Performance Reporting. This is a centralized collection of information for Performance Reporting-related policies and resources for the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration’s (ETA) employment and training programs. |
20240826T123111 Women's Equality DayWomen’s Equality Day is celebrated on August 26th and affirms the importance of ensuring equity and opportunity for women throughout the United States. On this day in 1920, Congress signed the 19th Amendment into law, which granted American women the right to vote. Women’s Equality Day reminds us of the hurdles overcome by the heroic women who faced violence and discrimination in their efforts to advance the Women's Movement continuously. |
20220516T091043 May is Older Americans MonthOlder adults play vital, positive roles in our communities – as family members, friends, mentors, volunteers, civic leaders, members of the workforce, and more. Just as every person is unique, so too is how they age and how they choose to do it – and there is no “right” way but there is “Age My Way”. |
20210909T064556 Workforce Development Month 2021Workforce Development Professionals Month was created in 2005 by the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) to raise awareness about the importance of our industry to a growing national economy. Originally celebrated in May, NAWDP moved the designation to September in 2012. The U.S. Senate recently passed a resolution naming September 2021 Workforce Development Month. Read the full resolution here. |
20240724T152257 Farmworker Appreciation DayFarmworker Appreciation Day, celebrated on August 6th, aims to raise awareness about the importance of the nation’s agricultural workers. |
20220502T100329 Asian Pacific American Heritage Month 2022May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have a rich heritage thousands of years old and have both shaped the history of the United States and had their lives dramatically influenced by moments in its history. |
20171002T094841 October 2017: National Disability Employment Awareness MonthOctober is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). |
20220204T075855 CTE MonthCareer and technical education, or CTE, is education that directly prepares students for high-wage, high-demand careers. CTE encompasses many different types of education, from classroom learning to certification programs to work-based learning opportunities outside the classroom. |
20231129T105417 Geospatial Technology Competency Model UpdateThe U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Competency Model Clearinghouse has released a newly updated Geospatial Technology Competency Model which provides a redefined competency framework outlining cross-cutting and sector specific competencies and skills needed by professionals along with the latest industry and related links. |
20240111T130009 Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) 2024 National ConferenceThe COABE National Conference is the signature professional development event for the field of adult education. The 2024 hybrid conference will be held March 17-20, 2024, in Nashville, TN. In person, completely virtual, and a mix of both are available to all participants! Attendees will have access to 400+ sessions, networking events, and over 100 vendor booths. Virtual sessions will be available for up to 6 months after the event goes live. |
20170920T104334 Celebrate NEOWW! It’s National Employ Older Workers WeekThis week, September 24th – 30th, 2017 is National Employ Older Workers Week (NEOWW). During the last full week of September, NEOWW annually recognizes the vital role of older workers in the workforce and aims to increase awareness of this segment of workers and develop innovative strategies to utilize it. |
20230404T153443 New Community: Apprenticeship Building AmericaWorkforceGPS recently launched the Apprenticeship Building America (ABA) community. This community is designed to provide ABA grantees with a place to access important information, guides, and resources designed to support grantees through the entirety of the grant lifecycle and beyond--an arm of the ABA Technical Assistance program, also known as "ABA TA." |
20230406T183023 New Community: H-1B One Workforce Grant ProgramWorkforceGPS is proud to introduce the new H-1B One Workforce Grant Program community of practice-- an online space that brings together relevant grant-related topics, resources, and information. |
20230511T163017 Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs Grant Program Funding Opportunity AnnouncementThis Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) solicits applications for the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs Grant Program. Applications are due July 7, 2023. |
20230406T171122 New Community: Yes, WIOA Can!WorkforceGPS is pleased to announce the Yes, WIOA Can! community, an initiative to pursue bold and innovative actions to strengthen our workforce infrastructure while centering equity in everything we do. |
20210917T144000 National Employ Older Workers Week, 2021The theme for this year's National Employ Older Workers Week is: "The Future is NEOWW!" Over the past year, older workers have shown a remarkable ability to adapt to the changing demands of a dynamic workplace. Whether that has been a transition to virtual workspaces or learning new online skills necessary for the workplace in 2021, older workers have shown they have the experience to thrive in the current workforce. |
20240905T154236 American Business Women's DayAmerican Business Women's Day, September 22nd, recognizes the many business women who make significant contributions to our nation's economy across a multitude of industry sectors. |
20181214T140633 HIRE Vets Medallion ProgramThis is the landing page for the HIRE Vets Medallion Program, which rewards employers who hire our nation's veterans. |
20181214T140210 October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)Reflecting a commitment to a robust and competitive American labor force, the 2018 National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) theme is “America’s Workforce: Empowering All.” Observed each October, NDEAM celebrates the contributions of workers with disabilities and educates about the value of a workforce inclusive of their skills and talents. |
20170801T115327 AJC Customer Flow Scenarios Now AvailableMany states and local areas have expressed a need for tools that help American Job Centers (AJCs) coordinate staff and partners to work collaboratively across programs. This newly released tool features five illustrated stories that represent scenarios of customer experiences and the guidance an AJC staff member might provide. These stories demonstrate the characteristics of a high-quality one-stop center, as described in TEGL 04-15. To view this resource, click here. |
20220422T141648 April is National Autism Awareness MonthApril is National Autism Awareness Month. Within the range of the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), one person may have a high level of intelligence but not have the basic social skills required to navigate everyday life while another person may have delayed learning of language skills. ASD affects each individual differently with a range of symptoms occurring at varying intensities from mild to severe in relation to social and communication skills. |
20231221T155905 Revitalizing America's Manufacturing WorkforceManufacturingUSA has announced the publication of Revitalizing America’s Manufacturing Workforce: A Manufacturing USA Education and Workforce Development Roadmap. |
20230510T155736 WorkforceGPS 7th AnniversaryWorkforceGPS celebrates its 7th Anniversary this month! WorkforceGPS, your online technical assistance website, was launched in 2016 to help build the capacity of America's public workforce investment system. The Employment and Training Administration (ETA) of the U.S. Department of Labor sponsored WorkforceGPS specifically for workforce professionals, educators, ETA grantees, and business leaders. |
20240520T123029 New Community: Critical Sectors Job Quality Grant ProgramWorkforceGPS recently launched the new Critical Sectors Job Quality Grant community of practice. The Employment and Training Administration allocated $16 million in grants to organizations across 12 states to support projects aimed at enhancing job quality and expanding employment opportunities in the care, climate resiliency, and hospitality sectors. The program encourages recipients to develop initiatives that align with the Good Jobs Principles set by the Department of Labor and Commerce. |
20180925T123130 Workforce Innovation Cohort ChallengeAre you looking for an opportunity to engage with peers locally and nationally across the workforce system to pilot innovative solutions to address disability and employment issues? ETA is pleased to announce another exciting cohort challenge that will address three topic areas: 1) Accessibility; 2) Customer Service; and 3) Employer Engagement. Let’s brainstorm and develop solutions together to support individuals with disabilities enter, stay in, or return to the labor force. |
20180920T093447 Celebrate NEOWW! It’s National Employ Older Workers WeekSeptember 23rd – 29th, 2018 is National Employ Older Workers Week (NEOWW). During the last full week of September, NEOWW annually recognizes the vital role of older workers in the workforce and aims to increase awareness of this segment of workers and develop innovative strategies to utilize it. |
20240530T071118 New EPA Brownfields Job Training Grant OpportunityThe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Brownfields and Land Revitalization (OBLR) has announced a new funding opportunity for the Brownfields Job Training program. Funded by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, this program aims to recruit, train, and retain a local skilled workforce, prioritizing unemployed and under-employed residents for careers in hazardous and solid waste management and other environmental fields. |
20240409T151843 New Community: Nursing Expansion Grant ProgramWorkforceGPS recently launched the new Nursing Expansion Grant Program community of practice. This program will increase the number of nursing instructors and educators, and will support creating equitable opportunities for frontline healthcare professionals to advance on a career pathway better suited to meeting our nation's need for critical care today and for years to come. |
20240419T063828 USDA to Invest $49.5 Million in Education and Workforce Development ProgramsThe U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has $49,500,000 to invest in the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative's (AFRI) Education and Workforce Development program. |
20240327T161136 Department of Energy Launches $5 Million Prize to Create Solar Manufacturing Training ProgramsThe U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has launched a new competition aimed at strengthening the solar manufacturing workforce. The $5 million American-Made Upskill Prize for the Solar Manufacturing Workforce (Upskill Prize), funded by the DOE Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) is designed to realize the full potential of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), bolster U.S. competitiveness in the solar supply chain, and create high-quality jobs for U.S. workers. |
20240328T115342 White House Announces $24 Million to Expand America's Clean Energy WorkforceThe U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced a new $24 million funding opportunity for workforce training programs with a focus on training in clean energy jobs that do not require a four-degree. This funding, from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, will further expand the existing Industrial Assessment Centers (IAC) network to include more union training programs, community colleges, and trade schools. |
20240318T141137 Mega Construction Project Program Fosters Equal Opportunity on Large Federal Construction ProjectsThe Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) Mega Construction Project (Megaproject) Program fosters equal opportunity in the construction trades workforce of federal contractors and subcontractors on large federal construction projects. Projects eligible for designation as Megaprojects are valued at $35 million or more in funding, some part of which must be federal funding, and are expected to last for at least one year. |
20240617T184611 National Immigrant Heritage MonthJune is National Immigrant Heritage Month, a time to recognize the significant contributions immigrants make to the cultural and economic fabric of the United States. This observance honors the diverse backgrounds and rich histories of individuals and families who have come to the United States, bringing with them unique traditions, perspectives, and innovations. |
20240701T064502 Celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)Each October, during National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM), we celebrate the contributions of workers with disabilities and recommit to creating an inclusive workforce. The theme for NDEAM 2024, “Access to Good Jobs for All,” underscores the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) emphasis on equal opportunities for good jobs. |
20240607T152115 New Funding Opportunity: Center for Home-based Child Care ResearchThe U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) have announced a $1,000,000 cooperative agreement to establish a Center for Home-based Child Care (HBCC) Research. This center will focus on supporting and advancing research about HBCC across states, territories, tribes, and local communities. |
20240607T150801 Caribbean-American Heritage MonthJune marks the celebration of Caribbean American Heritage Month, a time to recognize Caribbean Americans' profound impact on the United States. This month offers an opportunity to celebrate the rich cultural heritage and the outstanding contributions of Caribbean Americans, who have played a vital role in shaping the nation's economic and cultural landscape. |
20240624T154057 Stronger Together: Guide to Boost Economic Development Available in English and SpanishUSDA Rural Development and the U.S. Department of Commerce Economic Development Administration have released an updated Stronger Together guide available in both English and Spanish. This guide supports rural communities in developing strategies to enhance local economic development. The guide covers complementary programs in the following investment areas: |
20240719T142151 Celebrating 60 Years of Job Corps: Building Futures TogetherSince 1964, Job Corps has launched the careers of young people across the country. For 60 years, it has provided free career training in some of the nation’s fastest-growing industries, establishing itself as the largest residential training organization for 16- through 24-year-olds, with over 120 campuses. |
20240731T143738 Discover the ETA Workforce Data HubThe Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Workforce Data Hub is an essential resource for workforce development professionals seeking data and insights to inform decision-making and improve program outcomes. This comprehensive data hub provides access to a wide range of labor market information, performance metrics, and research findings. |
20240705T120527 Updated Federal Grant Guidance Will Help Create Good JobsThe U.S. Department of Labor has updated its federal grant guidance to support the creation of high-quality jobs. These changes make it easier for states and local communities to invest in programs that create good jobs and strengthen communities. They emphasize fair wages, safe working conditions, and career advancement opportunities. |
20240701T165445 Independence DayWorkforceGPS joins America’s public workforce system in celebrating the birth of our nation on July 4th. On Independence Day, we pay tribute to the determination and spirit of the people of the United States-- the driving force behind our country’s progress. We honor the hardworking people, past and present, who have contributed tirelessly to the growth and success of the nation. |
20240705T145919 Celebrating Disability Pride Month and Building Inclusive WorkplacesEach July, we celebrate Disability Pride Month, a time to recognize the contributions and achievements of people with disabilities and advocate for a more inclusive world. Workforce development professionals play a critical role in ensuring people with disabilities have the opportunity to develop skills, access meaningful employment, and achieve their career goals. |
20240826T174357 Join the Community Projects Community on WorkforceGPSAre you involved in a Community Project funded through congressionally-directed grants? The Community Projects (CP) community on WorkforceGPS is your go-to place for knowledge-sharing, and support. As one of many communities on WorkforceGPS, CP is dedicated to organizations that have been designated as recipients of Community Projects/Congressionally-Directed grant funds. |
20240307T170945 Biden-Harris Administration Announces Nearly $200M in Grants to Expand Registered ApprenticeshipsOn February 21, 2024, the U.S. Department of Labor (the department) announced the availability of nearly $200 million in grants to continue to support public-private partnerships that expand, diversify and strengthen Registered Apprenticeship. The funding opportunity includes $95 million of competitive grants through the second round of the Apprenticeship Building America Grant Program and $100 million in the second round of State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula Grants. |
20240126T152708 Unlocking Workforce Development Excellence: Your Guide to the ETA Grantee Products CommunityThe WorkforceGPS U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (ETA) Grantee Products community is a repository of resources offering a wealth of proven tools and best practices, specifically designed to elevate your workforce development initiatives. Whether you seek innovative job training models, foster impactful employer partnerships, or craft effective career pathways, the ETA Grantee Products Community is your comprehensive guide. |
20210603T082844 Pride Month 2021The U.S. Department of Labor's mission is to promote and protect opportunity for all workers. Our nation and workforce are stronger when we embrace diversity, and when workers can apply their unique skills and talents to jobs that provide fair wages, benefits, and safe and healthy working conditions, and ensure respectful inclusion. |
20180322T172206 Community of Practice Spotlight: Business Engagement CollaborativeThis month, the WorkforceGPS Team would like to introduce you to the Business Engagement Collaborative Community of Practice (CoP). The Business Engagement Collaborative is a community that shares a commitment to providing economically valuable solutions for businesses across the business life cycle. This community exists to share our ideas, experiences, resources and outcomes, and it promotes innovations to business engagement strategies, tactics, partnerships, measurements, and more. |
20180301T163528 March: Women’s History MonthEach March, the United States observes Women’s History Month, which is dedicated to the contributions that women have made to this nation over the years. |
20180703T121717 Innovations in ActionInnovations in Action are brief summaries of promising practices from across the public workforce system. Innovations in Action are noteworthy because they represent timely, real-world examples of practitioners finding creative solutions to the challenges they face in helping to improve work opportunities for Americans. |
20180126T101447 Community of Practice Spotlight: CCDThis month, the WorkforceGPS Team would like to re-introduce you to the Customer Centered Design (CCD) Community of Practice—our newest Community of Practice (CoP). |
20200204T113517 February: African American History MonthEach February, our nation celebrates African American History Month and their contributions—as activists, educators, and leaders. We especially honor and recognize the efforts of these individuals as it relates to access to and success in the workplace for all Americans. |
20180221T114104 Community of Practice Spotlight: YouthBuildThis month, the WorkforceGPS Team would like to introduce you to the YouthBuild Community of Practice (CoP). |
20180525T074809 WorkforceGPS Community Spotlight: Older WorkersThis month, the WorkforceGPS Team would like to re-introduce you to one of our Communities of Practice. May is Older Worker Month, and WorkforceGPS houses a community designed just for this population: Older Workers. |
20180509T142955 WorkforceGPS Spotlight: Our HomepageToday, the WorkforceGPS Team would like to re-introduce you to our homepage. Although much of it remains the same, we have recently implemented a small but significant change to the top-level navigation— |
20210303T143540 Open Education Week 2021Open Education Week (OE Week) is an opportunity for actively sharing and learning about the latest achievements in Open Education worldwide. |
20180820T094517 Summertime Beach ReadsCheck out the Workforce System Strategies community’s one-page fact sheet that highlights all of the great resources on the site and the different classifications of materials--from evaluation reports to policy and practice briefs to how-to guides and profiles. |
20180806T102546 Apprenticeship Business Engagement ToolsThe Apprenticeship Community has developed three tools that provide resources for workforce, education, and apprenticeship practitioners directly conducting business engagement with employers. |
20190809T071853 Join the DiscussionMany WorkforceGPS communities host Discussion forums, and those that do could use your voice. Share best practices and discover new approaches from the like-minded professionals that populate these forums. Your My Content folder (located in MyWorkforceGPS at the top over every page) will even save your past comments and your subscribed discussion topics so you never lose track of a conversation. |
20191010T113132 National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2019In October, we celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM). NDEAM celebrates the contributions of workers with disabilities and educates about the value of a workforce inclusive of their skills and talents. |
20191106T124904 Military Family MonthAs we recognize Military Family Month, visit the centralized collection of information for the Veterans programs, policies and initiatives which primarily affect the Wagner-Peyser Employment Service, Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), and Jobs for Veterans State Grants (JVSG) employment and training programs. |
20200511T125023 National Apprenticeship Week 2019National Apprenticeship Week (NAW), now in its fifth year, is a nationwide celebration that gives businesses, communities, and educators the opportunity to showcase their apprenticeship programs and apprentices while providing valuable information to career seekers. NAW 2019 will be held November 11-17, 2019. |
20211117T063056 National Entrepreneurship MonthWIOA qualifying activities supporting entrepreneurship include skills and education training; career awareness and counseling; and services providing labor market and employment information about in-demand industry sectors. WorkforceGPS is full of reports, successful practices, tools and webinars that highlight the various entrepreneurial strategies. |
20191101T110527 National Indian Heritage Month"Love your life, perfect your life, beautify all things in your life. Seek to make your life long and its purpose in the service of your people." Chief Tecumseh |
20230802T130919 New Immigrants and RefugeesSponsored by the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor, this page contains curated resources to help you provide training and employment services to job seekers who may have recently resettled to the U.S. and/or are from underrepresented populations who may use English as a second language. |
20220406T120309 Second Chance Month April 2022The U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs, Bureau of Justice Assistance and Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention are supporting Second Chance Month to help individuals, communities, and agencies across the country recognize the importance of reentry and their role in supporting safe and successful reentry—building second chances! |
20220502T100301 National Small Business WeekNational Small Business Week 2022 celebrates the resiliency and tenacity of America’s entrepreneurs who are doing their part to power our nation’s historic economic comeback. |
20220425T074746 April 28 is Take Our Daughters And Sons To Work“It is a unique opportunity to change a child’s entire perspective and thereby, change their lives.” — WNBC Reporter and Daughters and Sons Day Participant Ida Siegal |
20220204T091828 Black History MonthAmerica’s workforce thrives on diversity. Throughout our history, the variety of skills, experiences and perspectives of this nation’s workers fueled innovation and growth. This month, we’re highlighting Black workplace pioneers who blazed trails that created opportunities and improved the lives of generations of Americans. |
20210702T122814 Women and Work: Reinvestment, Return and Recovery National Online Dialogue and Twitter ChatThe Women's Bureau would like to invite you to join us for a Twitter chat hosted by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) on "Women and Work: Reinvestment, Return and Recovery" to complement our ongoing virtual Dialogue on the same topic. On Wednesday, July 7 from 2:00 to 3:00 pm ET, we and other featured guests will discuss how to best support women workers and create a more equitable economy. Please join us on Twitter at @ePolicyWorks and use #EPWChat to follow along. |
20211108T112308 Native American Heritage MonthNative American Heritage Month, also recognized as American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month, acknowledges the significant contributions Native people made to the establishment and growth of the United States. |
20211115T080026 2021 National Apprenticeship Week - November 15-21-2021U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) has announced the seventh annual National Apprenticeship Week 2021 (NAW) taking place November 15-21! |
20230412T171203 Earth DayApril 22 is Earth Day. The first Earth Day took place in 1970 and is recognized as the birth of the U.S. environmental movement, spurring political action that led to the creation of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the passage of important environmental protection legislation, including the Clean Air, Clean Water, and Endangered Species Acts. |
20240518T080816 Whole of Government Awardee Briefing on NSF Engines ProgramExternal Event: This event is hosted by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and their agency partners from the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Small Business Administration, the U.S. Department of Commerce. Please join the NSF, the U.S. DOL, and their agency partners on May 30, 2024, 1:00-2:00 PM ET for a briefing on the National Science Foundation Regional Innovation Engines (NSF Engines) program. |
20240520T173830 NASWA Webinar Series: Building Data Literacy for All-Senior Leaders, Policy Makers, & Managers TrackExternal Events: Hosted by NASWA (National Association of State Workforce Agencies). Send all questions/issues to: witsc@naswa.org. Audience: This three-session series of 45-minute webinars targets those who set strategic direction, make decisions that impact data initiatives, and implement data-driven practices. |
20240617T221216 NASWA Webinar Series: Building Data Literacy for All-Frontline Staff TrackExternal Events: Hosted by NASWA (National Association of State Workforce Agencies). Send all questions/issues to:witsc@naswa.org. Audience: This three-session series of 45-minute webinars targets frontline workers who are responsible for collecting data directly from customers. |
20190617T150023 WorkforceGPS has had a makeover!By now, we hope you have had a chance to check out the new look for WorkforceGPS. We call it a makeover. |
20220912T143223 National Voter Registration DayOn September 20th, National Voter Registration Day will mark its 10th Anniversary. This nonpartisan holiday was first observed in 2012 and has successfully registered 4.7 million voters since its inception. The holiday seeks to create awareness of nonpartisan voter registration opportunities to reach many voters who may not register otherwise. |
20180712T091144 WorkforceGPS Community Spotlight: Grants Application and ManagementThis month, the WorkforceGPS Team is pleased to highlight the Grants Application and Management Community. We recognize that managing a grant can sometimes be an overwhelming responsibility. This site is your one-stop source for tools, training, and resources to ensure effective management of your ETA grant. |
20200203T163835 National African American History MonthFebruary is African American History Month The Library of Congress, National Archives and Records Administration, National Endowment for the Humanities, National Gallery of Art, National Park Service, Smithsonian Institution and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum join in paying tribute to the generations of African Americans who struggled with adversity to achieve full citizenship in American society. |
20231213T134851 Food and Beverage Service Competency Model UpdateThe Department of Labor’s (U.S. DOL) Competency Model Clearinghouse has released a newly updated Food and Beverage Service Competency Model based on a review of training standards, feedback from employers, and in-depth interviews with subject matter experts resulting in the addition of new content and overall streamlining of the model. |
20200724T114044 ADA Turns 30!July 26th is the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Throughout 2020, the U.S. Department of Labor is celebrating this landmark legislation. Check out the Office of Disability Employment Policy’s ADA30 website. Also check out WorkforceGPS’ Disability and Employment Community for technical assistance and resources for providing employment services for people with disabilities and other barriers to employment. |
20240103T112108 Future of Semiconductors: National Science Foundation Announces Funding OpportunityThe National Science Foundation (NSF) has identified $40,000,000 to invest under its “Future of Semiconductors” account. NSF projects a total of 20 awards. Proposals are due March 14, 2024. |
20240613T094055 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Awareness MonthThere are currently about 12 million people in the United States living with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Although often associated with combat veterans, PTSD is a mental health condition that can impact any person of any age after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. Such traumatic events might include military combat, sexual or physical violence, natural disasters, or severe accidents. |
20180905T114504 Community Spotlight: Older WorkersThis month, the WorkforceGPS Team would like to introduce you to the Older Workers Community of Practice (CoP). This community offers an online hub to share resources, news, and emerging practices about the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), which provides on-the-job skills training to individuals 55 or older with limited financial resources. |
20230413T161025 New Community: H-1B Rural Healthcare Grant ProgramWorkforceGPS recently launched a community of practice for the H-1B Rural Healthcare Grant Program. This program is designed to alleviate healthcare workforce shortages by creating sustainable employment and training programs in healthcare occupations (including behavioral and mental healthcare) serving rural populations that are scalable and replicable. |
20230622T132230 Registered Apprenticeship AcademyThe U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Office of Apprenticeship is excited to announce the creation of the Registered Apprenticeship Academy, which aims to provide top-notch information, training, and resources to all those involved around the work of Registered Apprenticeship. |
20240617T183858 JuneteenthJuneteenth, or Emancipation Day, is a celebration that commemorates the end of slavery in the United States. Historians affirm what celebrants of Juneteenth have long known: that slavery's overthrow was the culmination of countless acts of resilience, resistance, organizing, and uprising by enslaved people, formerly enslaved people, and abolitionists. |
20220601T085517 Pride Month 2022The U.S. Department of Labor's mission is to promote and protect opportunity for all workers. Our nation and workforce are stronger when we embrace diversity, and when workers can apply their unique skills and talents to jobs that provide fair wages, benefits, and safe and healthy working conditions, and ensure respectful inclusion. |
20220713T070520 July is Disability Pride MonthThe Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed on July 26, 1990, Following this legislation, Boston held the first Disability Pride Day event, and Disability Pride Month was born. Disability Pride Month celebrates disability as an identity by sharing the experiences of the disabled community and highlighting how more needs to be done to make the world accessible and inclusive for us as disabled people. Parades are held in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and San Antonio. |
20180629T121053 WorkforceGPS Community Spotlight: Youth Summer JobsThis month, the WorkforceGPS Team would like to re-introduce you to one of our Communities. June is the end of the school year and many youth that are of working age are experiencing their first summer job. WorkforceGPS houses a community designed just for Youth Summer Jobs. |
20201104T105158 2020 National Apprenticeship Week - November 8-14, 2020DOL has announced the sixth annual National Apprenticeship Week 2020 taking place November 8-14! This year the Office of Apprenticeship is encouraging partners to host virtual events. As in past years, we encourage grantees to register their events and proclamations at apprenticeship.gov. NAW 2020 events highlight apprenticeship programs and ultimately support the American workforce in the economic recovery from the impact of the global pandemic. |
20201105T113328 Native American Heritage MonthNovember is National Native American Heritage Month. Facts for Features presents statistics for American Indians and Alaska Natives, one of the six major race categories defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget. |
20211111T094050 Military Family Appreciation MonthVeterans & Military Families Month was established in 1996 by the Armed Services YMCA, with the U.S. Government recognizing the occasion every year since. Each November, the President signs a proclamation declaring November National Veterans & Military Families Month, and with hundreds of thousands of service members deployed overseas, recognizing the daily sacrifices made by active duty, Guard, and Reserve military families has never been more important. |
20210419T105131 Earth Day 2021FACT SHEET: President Biden Takes Executive Actions to Tackle the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad, Create Jobs, and Restore Scientific Integrity Across Federal Government |
20170425T075926 2017 WIOA National Covenings Resources AvailableThis spring, the U.S. Department of Labor, in collaboration with its Education and Health and Human Services partners, will host three national convenings. These convenings will continue to support WIOA implementation, building upon the regulations and guidance, virtual training, and resources already available to the system. |
20241030T221711 National Entrepreneurship WeekNational Entrepreneurship Week (NatlEshipWeek), established by Congress in 2006, celebrates the role of entrepreneurship in fueling economic growth, job creation, and innovation across the U.S. This annual observance highlights the importance of empowering entrepreneurs through resources, education, and partnerships. |
20241118T180127 Aligning the Workforce System and Economic Growth: Best Practices from State WIOA PlanningThe Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) requires Governors to submit strategic and operational plans to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) on a 4-year planning cycle. For program years (PY) 2024 – 2027, Governors submitted their WIOA State Plans to U.S. DOL on March 4, 2024. In the run-up to WIOA State Plan Submission, the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and U.S. DOL partnered to support states as they developed their 2024 WIOA State Plans. |
20250107T175644 Poverty in America Awareness MonthJanuary is Poverty in America Awareness Month, a month-long initiative to raise awareness and call attention to the growth of poverty. In the United States, the official poverty rate is 11.5 percent of the population, with 37.9 million people in poverty. Many of these Americans live without hope for a better future or access to good, family-supporting jobs. |
20250114T180247 National Association of Workforce Development Professionals (NAWDP) 41st Annual ConferenceRegistration is now open for the NAWDP 41st Annual Conference from May 5th to 7th, 2025, in beautiful Virginia Beach, VA. This premier event stands as NAWDP's most diverse and inclusive gathering, drawing thought leaders and professionals from across various workforce development organizations such as workforce boards, community colleges, private sector businesses, vocational rehabilitation, economic development, community- and faith-based organizations, and more. |
20250115T085620 Discover the Updated Interactive O*NET Reference ListThe O*NET Resource Center has updated its interactive O*NET Reference List, making it easier than ever to explore how O*NET data, tools, and applications are used across a variety of fields. This comprehensive resource now includes over 350 new references, bringing the total to more than 2,400 research and product-oriented citations. |
20250115T082324 Funding Opportunity: Pathway Home 6 GrantsThe Employment and Training Administration (ETA) has announced the Pathway Home 6 funding opportunity, offering approximately $25 million to support reentry programs for incarcerated individuals. An estimated 20 grants, each up to $4 million, will be awarded to eligible organizations. |
20250122T093012 Workforce System and Bank Partnerships: A How-To GuideThe LEAD Center has developed an online toolkit to help workforce development boards build effective partnerships with banks. These collaborations improve employment and economic outcomes for program participants, strengthening the broader community. |
20250122T091422 NAWB: The Forum 2025The 2025 National Association of Workforce Boards (NAWB) Forum is the nation's largest annual workforce development conference. The annual forum is an opportunity to learn directly from national experts about workforce policy, initiatives, and trends, and to draw inspiration from workforce experts from around the nation. |
20240912T173929 25th Annual NAWDP Youth SymposiumJoin NAWDP November 18-20, 2024, in Phoenix, AZ, to celebrate 25 Years of Advancing America's Youth. Virtual and in-person registration is now open! |
20240923T165150 WorkforceGPS Community Spotlight: Older WorkersThe Older Workers community is your go-to hub for all things related to the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). Whether you're a SCSEP grantee, sub-grantee, federal project officer, or part of the national program office, this community delivers your resources, news, and emerging practices. |
20240927T160237 New Community: Infrastructure Learning Community (ILC)The Department of Labor (DOL) Employment and Training Administration (ETA) is convening a robust Infrastructure Learning Community (ILC). Through ILC, members can gain access to peers in the field, subject matter experts, a curated collection of relevant resources, the latest findings and best practices from federal funding recipients and grant programs, and a platform for collaboration and engagement opportunities. |
20241003T210102 New BLS Skills Data Now Available with Employment ProjectionsThe Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has released the 2023-33 Employment Projections. This data provides the job outlook of 832 occupations and which skills are most relevant for those occupations. |
20241011T154215 Community Spotlight: Disability and EmploymentThe Disability and Employment community is a hub for the American Job Centers network, people with disabilities, and employers. This community is a resource for all key stakeholders who partner with the workforce system to provide services to people with disabilities and other barriers to employment. |
20241030T093232 National Apprenticeship Week 2024: Celebrating 10 Years of Engagement, Expansion, and InnovationNational Apprenticeship Week (NAW) 2024 is from November 17-23, 2024. NAW is a nationwide celebration where employers, industry associations, labor organizations, community-based organizations, workforce partners, education providers, and government leaders host events to showcase the success of Registered Apprenticeship programs. These programs play a vital role in rebuilding the economy, advancing racial and gender equity, creating pathways to good jobs, and supporting underserved communities. |
20241108T155551 New Community: Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs Grant ProgramWorkforceGPS is pleased to announce the launch of the new Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs Grant Community (Building Pathways). This virtual community is designed to provide grantees with one location to access the latest program technical assistance and resources developed to successfully implement this grant. |
20241120T134617 The Department of Education Announces $4M for American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation ServicesThe U.S. Department of Education has announced $4 million in funding for the FY 2025 American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services (AIVRS) program. |
20241203T110322 How AI is Shaping Workforce Development: Insights from NVIDIA’s Louis StewartAI is transforming industries and economies worldwide. Workforce development plays a critical role in ensuring these changes benefit everyone. |
20241203T164959 NSF Announces $30M Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies ProgramThe National Science Foundation (NSF), in partnership with Micron Technology, Inc., has announced an updated $30 million funding opportunity under the Experiential Learning for Emerging and Novel Technologies (ExLENT) program. This initiative aims to equip individuals from diverse backgrounds with skills and experiences for careers in rapidly advancing technology fields, including artificial intelligence, biotechnology, quantum information science, and semiconductors. |
20241205T165937 WorkforceGPS Community Spotlight: Customer Centered DesignThe Customer Centered Design (CCD) community is a hub of information for workforce development practitioners who are interested in studying and/or practicing Human Centered Design (HCD). Through this community, you have access to case studies, webinars, and other CCD resources. |
20241206T115213 Explore Behavioral Health Careers with SAMHSA’s New Career NavigatorIn honor of National Career Development Day, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) launched the Behavioral Health Workforce Career Navigator, an online tool designed to support current and aspiring behavioral health professionals. |
20231013T084018 Advanced Manufacturing Apprenticeship SprintThe Biden-Harris Investing in America Agenda, which includes the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act, is driving a resurgence in manufacturing, construction, and clean energy industries nationwide. These investments offer opportunities for all Americans, regardless of their educational background, to access high-quality training and education. |
20200203T163811 100th Anniversary of the Vocational Rehabilitation ProgramThis year marks the 100th anniversary of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program. President Woodrow Wilson signed the Smith-Fess Act of 1920, also known as the Industrial Rehabilitation Act and referred to as "The National Civilian Vocational Rehabilitation Act," into law June 2, 1920. The OSERS Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) will be celebrating 100 Years of VR throughout 2020. To that end, they have launched a dedicated webpage to house anniversary content. |
20241211T162440 2025 Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) ConferenceThe Coalition on Adult Basic Education (COABE) offers the world's largest conference designed specifically for adult educators, administrators, state staff, caseworkers, and learners. When you join thousands of attendees from across the country, you will have access to over 400 state-of-the-art, national level, professional development concurrent sessions delivered by subject matter experts over the course of 4 days. |
20241212T152719 National Miners DayEach year on December 6, we celebrate National Miners Day to recognize the skill, dedication, and hard work miners put into providing many of the products essential to fulfilling America's most vital needs. |
20241219T094631 Funding Opportunity: NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (S-STEM)The National Science Foundation's (NSF) S-STEM program provides scholarships for low-income, academically talented students pursuing associate, bachelor's, or graduate degrees in STEM fields. This program aims to improve educational outcomes and career opportunities for these students while strengthening the nation’s STEM workforce. |
20250114T135610 Bridging the Language Gap: Resources in Multiple Languages Supporting Workforce SuccessThe WorkforceGPS community is committed to supporting everyone on their journeys towards successful careers, regardless of their language backgrounds. |
20190115T134034 Being a Mentor ResourcesJanuary is National Mentoring Month to help promote youth mentoring in the United States. To focus on serving the disability population, a number of specialized resources have been compiled to increase awareness of its impact and the different technical assistance tools available to help bridge the mentoring gap. |
20200123T130501 Martin Luther King, JrThe Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Jan. 20, 2020, marks the 25th anniversary of the day of service that celebrates the Civil Rights leader’s life and legacy. |
20220303T162130 Women's History Month 2022March celebrates Women’s History Month. Women in the workforce are vital to the nation's economic security. The Women's Bureau develops policies and standards and conducts inquiries to safeguard the interests of working women; to advocate for their equality and economic security for themselves and their families; and to promote quality work environments. Check out the Women's Bureau resources that highlight and demonstrate the impact of women’s work. |
20220321T154801 Rebuilding Service Delivery: A conversation among WIOA federal leadersIn February 2021, leaders at the Departments of Labor, Education, and Health and Human Services webcast their discussion of the Biden-Harris Administration’s agenda to Build Back Better and invest in the public workforce and education systems. Listen and learn about their top priorities, multiple challenges, and opportunities for expanding job quality, improving equity, and strengthening partnerships across workforce programs to support prosperity for job seekers and employers. |
20211004T132708 National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2021National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) is held each October to commemorate the many and varied contributions of people with disabilities to America’s workplaces and economy. The theme for NDEAM 2021, “America’s Recovery: Powered by Inclusion,” reflects the importance of ensuring that people with disabilities have full access to employment and community involvement during the national recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. |
20220225T120615 WorkforceGPS Welcomes National Dislocated Worker Grants CommunityWorkforceGPS is proud to announce the National Dislocated Worker Grants community. |
20200227T153512 Women's History MonthLearn about the origin of this national celebration by checking out https://womenshistorymonth.gov/. This year we will also be recognizing the centennial of the Nineteenth Amendment and the culmination of the women’s suffrage movement in the United States. For more information about the Women’s Suffrage Movement, click here. |
20200604T080150 19th Amendment 100th AnniversaryThis year 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment: 100 years of women voting. Passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment granted women the right to vote. |
20210920T072501 National Recovery MonthNational Recovery Month is a national observance held every September to educate Americans that substance use treatment and mental health services can enable those with mental and substance use disorders to live healthy and rewarding lives. Now in its 31st year, Recovery Month celebrates the gains made by those living in recovery. WorforceGPS’ Resources to Assist in Fighting the Opioid Epidemic has been updated with new recovery resources and tools. |
20171024T091107 Collection Spotlight: Veterans’ PriorityThis month, the WorkforceGPS Team would like to introduce you to Veterans’ Priority, a centralized collection of information for Veterans’ programs, policies, and initiatives which primarily effect the Wagner-Peyser and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) employment and training programs. |
20171018T075407 WorkforceGPS Is Taking Your Relationship to the Next Level; Chat (Beta Version) Now Available!We know you’ve been in love with WorkforceGPS for a while now, and things are getting pretty serious. That’s why we’re taking things to the next level and introducing you to Chat. |
20171027T125107 Abridged Version of Universal Design Webinar Now AvailableLast spring, in March of 2017, the Innovation and Opportunity Network (ION) hosted a WIOA Wednesday on universal design and taking a customer-centered approach in the American Job Center. Although you can always access the event’s recording, the WorkforceGPS Team understands you might not have an hour to dedicate to watching it. That’s why we have created an abridged version that’s less than three minutes long, as well as an executive summary of the full event. |
20171004T113555 WorkforceGPS Welcomes H-1B Strengthening Working Families Initiative (SWFI) Community of PracticeWorkforceGPS is proud to announce that a new Community of Practice (CoP), specifically for H-1B Strengthening Working Families Initiative (SWFI) grantees, is now available. |
20180102T151524 WorkforceGPS Welcomes H-1B America’s Promise Community of PracticeWorkforceGPS is proud to announce that a new Community of Practice (CoP), specifically for H-1B America’s Promise grantees, is now available. |
20180111T122014 WorkforceGPS Welcomes Customer Centered Design Community of PracticeThe WorkforceGPS Team is proud to announce that a new Community of Practice (CoP) focused on Customer Centered Design (CCD) is now available. |
20171221T123637 Community of Practice Spotlight: H-1B Strengthening Working Families InitiativeThis month, the WorkforceGPS Team would like to introduce you to H-1B Strengthening Working Families Initiative (SWFI) Community of Practice. |
20210412T125818 Second Chance MonthSecond Chance Month is a nationwide effort to raise awareness of the obstacles faced by over 70 million Americans with a criminal record and unlock opportunities for them to succeed. |
20170822T124920 Community of Practice Spotlight: Older WorkersThis month, the WorkforceGPS Team would like to introduce you to the Older Workers Community of Practice (CoP). This CoP offers an online hub to share resources, news, and emerging practices about the Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP), which provides on-the-job skills training to individuals 55 or older with limited financial resources. |
20170831T084356 Happy Labor Day from the WorkforceGPS TeamCelebrated annually the first Monday in September, Labor Day is a national holiday that pays tribute to the workers who have contributed to the social and economic well-being of America and its people. |
20170629T081256 Community of Practice Spotlight: Youth Summer JobsWith summer officially underway, the WorkforceGPS Team wants to take a moment to highlight one of our newest Communities of Practice: Youth Summer Jobs. |
20170612T114832 2017 WIOA National Convenings Toolkit ReleasedFollowing the 2017 WIOA National Convenings, the WorkforceGPS Team has compiled additional related technical assistance materials and resources, including relevant webinars, policy guidance and toolkits, and organized them by the six convening tracks, as well as a section for the special sessions on civil rights. |
20240405T164701 World Autism MonthApril is World Autism Month, a time to stand for a world where autistic people are recognized and have the opportunities they deserve. Despite notable advancements in enhancing access to opportunities for those with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), there remain disparities in employment and income for many affected individuals. |
20240401T133046 Second Chance MonthApril is a significant month as it marks Second Chance Month, an opportunity to acknowledge the importance of supporting millions of individuals who are returning from incarceration. |
20240517T054816 Memorial DayMemorial Day is an opportunity to pay tribute to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, honoring the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Organizations across the country, like the USO and the Wounded Warrior Project, provide vital support to those who have served and their loved ones. |
20240430T133318 Mental Health Awareness MonthMay is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time to shed light on the importance of mental health and promote ways to improve mental well-being. It was established in 1949 by Mental Health America and began as a week-long event known as Mental Health Week. In 1963, Mental Health America declared May as Mental Health Month, and the event has been held every May since. |
20240229T155333 Women's History MonthWorkforceGPS joins in celebrating the vital role of women in American history during the month of March, Women's History Month. Women's History Month traces its roots to March 8, 1857, when women from various New York City factories protested over poor working conditions. |
20240208T115120 Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month 2024Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month is a public awareness campaign that takes place each February to celebrate CTE programs, the accomplishments of CTE staff and advocates, and the importance of CTE for students of all ages. |
20240305T165739 Gender Equality MonthAdvancing gender equality is a matter of human rights, justice, and fairness. It is also a strategic imperative that reduces poverty, promotes economic growth, and increases access to education and good jobs. |
20240501T163952 Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage MonthDuring Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, we recognize the numerous contributions and rich culture of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (AA and NHPIs). AA and NHPIs have long been essential in writing the American story. From serving our country in uniform, advocating for civil rights, starting new businesses, and winning Olympic medals, the AA and NHPI community's contributions touch Americans' lives every day. |
20240430T105424 Labor History MonthLabor History Month: Honoring the Struggles and Achievements of American Workers Labor History Month is an annual observance taking place in the United States during the month of May. The month-long observance aims to recognize and celebrate contributions workers have made to the country and raise awareness about the struggles and achievements of the labor movement throughout history. |
20231129T144524 Improve How You Communicate Unemployment Insurance Statuses to Claimants: Webinar and PlaybookThe U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) held a webinar, American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Unemployment Insurance (UI) Modernization: How to Improve Claim Status Communication, and has published a claim status playbook and coded prototype to help state workforce agencies modernize their UI status tool. |
20240430T131450 Military Appreciation MonthMilitary Appreciation Month is a time for Americans to come together to honor and recognize the contributions and sacrifices made by United States Armed Forces members. It is a time to show appreciation for the dedication, bravery, and selflessness of those who have served, are currently serving, and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. |
20250108T182018 National Mentoring MonthEach January, we unite as a community to recognize the dedicated mentors whose wisdom, guidance, and positive examples set new workers on a path to success, and to affirm the value of mentorship in the career trajectory of jobs-seekers and workers in our communities. |
20240131T155716 Celebrating Black History MonthDuring the month of February, WorkforceGPS joins in paying tribute to generations of African Americans who struggled to achieve full citizenship in American society while serving our communities at every level and making advancements in every field. |
20241014T130841 Indigenous Peoples' DayOn Indigenous Peoples’ Day, the United States celebrates the invaluable contributions of Indigenous peoples who have built vibrant and diverse cultures across generations. This day, October 14, honors the contributions that Indigenous peoples have made throughout history — in public service, entrepreneurship, scholarship, the arts, and countless other fields — which are integral to our society. |
20241001T112624 National Disability Employment Awareness MonthObserved each October, National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) celebrates the value and talent workers with disabilities add to America’s workplaces and economy. NDEAM’s purpose is to confirm our commitment to ensuring disabled workers have access to good jobs every month of every year. That’s the spirit behind this year’s official theme: “Access to Good Jobs for All.” |
20241031T095116 Native American Heritage MonthNovember is National Native American Heritage Month. The U.S. Department of Labor celebrates the diverse culture and heritage of Tribal Nations and Indian people who deeply enrich the quality and character of our country. We also hope to use this month to highlight information that can lead to greater understanding and promote respect and equity. |
20241031T122338 Happy Veterans DayMillions of Americans have taken the oath to defend our nation. We honor their service, dedication, and sacrifice every day, but especially on Veterans Day. |
20241003T174933 National Hispanic Heritage MonthNational Hispanic American Heritage Month begins on September 15th and is celebrated through October 15th. WorkforceGPS joins the nation in paying tribute to the generations of Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society. |
20240905T155006 Adult Education and Family Literacy WeekOnce a year, educators from all over the country join together with adult learners, community partners, business leaders, legislators, and friends of adult education to amplify their successes. |
20240930T143736 Celebrate Manufacturing Day 2024: Shaping the Future of U.S. ManufacturingManufacturing Day (MFG Day) is an annual event observed on the first Friday in October and celebrated throughout the month. It showcases modern manufacturing and aims to inspire the next generation of makers. Led by the Manufacturing Institute, MFG Day highlights the critical role of manufacturing in the U.S. economy while promoting the wide range of career opportunities in this dynamic field. |
20231023T122636 National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2023In recognition of the essential role people with disabilities play in a diverse and inclusive American workforce, the theme for National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) 2023 is “Advancing Access and Equity.” |
20241001T105805 September is National Recovery Month and Suicide Prevention MonthDuring the month of September, WorkforceGPS is focusing on mental health. This theme coincides with the observance of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). |
20240826T125127 Labor Rights WeekLabor Rights Week, held the week before Labor Day, is a collaboration between the Mexican Embassy, its 52 consulates, the U.S. Department of Labor, and other federal agencies to promote fundamental labor rights. |
20220811T155021 Apprenticeship Ambassadors InitiativeThe Department of Labor selected 207 officials and organizations to serve as the initial cohort of Apprenticeship Ambassadors, who will share their experiences and champion apprenticeship opportunities. |
20230726T230038 Aircraft Pilots Workforce Development Grant ProgramThe Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration has identified $4,500,000 for the Aircraft Pilots Workforce Development Grant Program. The purpose of the program is to attract future aircraft pilots, aerospace engineers, or unmanned aircraft systems operators to the aviation industry throughout the United States. For more information on eligible projects, visit grants.gov for the full solicitation. |
20231017T105453 Become a Core StateODEP is soliciting applications from a team of state government agencies (SGAs) to receive technical assistance through ODEP's National Expansion of Employment Opportunities Network (NEON) initiative. |
20240916T150905 National Employ Older Workers Week (NEOWW) 2024: Embracing Experience, Empowering FuturesEach year, the last full week in September is recognized as National Employ Older Workers Week (NEOWW). This year National Employ Older Workers Week (NEOWW) will be celebrated from September 22nd to September 28th. |
20240905T111220 Demand-driven training: Reimagining sector partnerships to build career pathwaysBlog Post from DOL.gov A successful sports team relies on strong leadership and a clear vision to bring players together, build their skills and use game data to make improvements. To stay competitive, these teams regularly update their strategies and keys to success. Similarly to a winning sports team, it’s time we rethink a workforce strategy that can effectively meet labor market demands – this strategy is sector strategies and partnerships. |
20240411T073749 First Youth Apprenticeship Week 2024!The U.S. Department of Labor has announced the first national Youth Apprenticeship Week (YAW), May 5 through May 11, to celebrate the benefits of Registered Apprenticeship (RA) for youth. |
20240418T130717 New Training at the Registered Apprenticeship Academy!Explore the Registered Apprenticeship Academy today to find newly published training on the Davis-Bacon Act and discover recent improvements to the website. |
20240304T171708 Department of Education Publishes Funding OpportunitiesDepartment of Education Publishes Funding Opportunities for (1) Educational Technology for Individuals with Disabilities, (2) Mental Health Service Professional Demonstrations, and (3) School-Based Mental Health Services. |
20240306T103116 Youth Blog from DOL: Federal Youth Apprenticeship PathwayIn its latest youth blog, the Department of Labor (DOL) announced the Employment and Training Administration’s (ETA’s) launch of the first ever Federal Youth Apprentice Pathway. This pilot program will provide career training and experience working in the Offices of Apprenticeship, Workforce Investment, and Job Corps with the opportunity for a permanent federal position after completing the three-year program. |